Wednesday 25 November 2009

Typographic Culture

Here is a piece for Typographic Culture I am working on. Still got a few things to do but getting there.

Suttles Website

I had a meeting yesterday with Emma Ansell from Mushroom Marketing to discuss the Suttles website I am building. Suttles is a company that sells stone & rock to trade buyers and domestic customers online and owns a quarry.

I had come up with a few initial ideas as a starting point so we look at these and made the changes where necessary. I am now working on a new layout incorporating my own photography of the products. I have also bought in a a friend who is going to take over the main photography for the website.

This is going to be a fairly large website which is to include everything that Suttles do so it could take a little while but it is something I can work on over the next 6 months.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Sunday 8 November 2009

Eco Logos

At Creative Medicine we believe that as designers we have a duty to do everything possible to protect our environment. Many people think that by using recycled, ethically sourced or biodegradable materials you some how sacrifice quality, this of course is not true.

Sometimes it's as easy as being aware of Post-Consumer usage i.e. using both sides of a piece of paper or being more careful with the materials that you waste. At Creative Medicine many of our Hoodies & T-Shirts are printed using SuperFlex vinyl which, like most vinyls produces dangerous emissions when being made. We only use exactly what we need so there is very little waste and we are currently looking into a semi recycled alternative.

Foldersgalore have loads of info on green issues and supply all kinds of eco materials. Also if your interested in logo design check out there new set of logos for recycled, recyclable, biodegradable etc etc.

Friday 6 November 2009

Communicating Ideas II

I have now settled on my idea for this part of our brief. I am going to use the idea that Elizabeth Gilbert talks about in her video about 'Creative Genius". She talks about the idea that people have a kind of invisible friend that helps with your creativity, so when you produce a good piece of work you can't take all the credit but equally if you bum out your entirely to blame.

She explains that ideas & creativity are floating around free in the air. We can't see it, but if your creative you can grab these ideas and use them for your own. This is how people sometimes come up with the same ideas, and also how we use these ideas to produce something.

I am going to make a short video/animation showing somebody working on a laptop and surrounding them is the 'creative genius' which is shapes & colours representing ideas. I am still researching how is going to best to animate this as I want the final piece to look effective.

CSS from Dreamweaver Lesson

.container { /* CSS Document */
width: 900px; /* Any elements placed within the container will fit within the 900 pixel frame */
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; /* The browser will search for these fonts in your font folder, and then display any text in the typeface you have availible */
font-size: 12px;
color: #330000;
background-image: url(images/Untitled-1.png); /* This will add an image to the background of the container which will act as a banner */
background-repeat: no-repeat; /* This means the background image (or banner) will appear only once */
background-position: center top; /* This controls the position of the background image (or banner) */
margin: auto; /* This will keep the container in the centre of the page */
padding-top: 210px; /* This will keep all of the content appearing on top of the */
padding-right: 10px; /* This will prevent the contents running to the edge of the container */
padding-left: 10px; /* This will prevent the contents running to the edge of the container */
border: 1px solid #996600; /* This will add a border to the container */

a:link { /* This controls the style of links that have not been clicked on */
font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: normal;
color: #660000;
text-decoration: none; /* This removes the underline from any links */

a:hover { /* This controls the style of links when your mouse scrolls over the top */
color: #666600;
text-decoration: underline blink;

a:visited { /* This controls the style of links that have been clicked on */
color: #FF0066;
text-decoration: underline overline line-through blink;

Oh Sandy!

Just a quick idea I had last night. Using our logo in different places, I might do a collection of these to produce as postcards. Suggestions welcome x

Dreamweaver I, II & III

We have now started our Dreamweaver evening classes on Tuesdays. I already know basic HTML & CSS but these courses have really helped me. We have been covering the basics of web layouts and writing & applying style sheets. I have started to build the CM website to start selling the clothing and get our work on the net. More good shit to come.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Communicating Ideas.

For the final section of this project we have been asked to respond to an idea and communicate it visually to a specific audience.

We have been asked to watch 7 short videos on and produce either a paper based piece with type and print specs or screen based lasting no longer than 30 seconds. I have downloaded the videos and have been watching the podcasts on my ipod for the last few days. I narrowed my choice down to 3 videos and have continued watching these to try and extract ideas from them. I will keep you posted on my progress.

New from Old 3

We had our final crit for our New from Old brief on Friday. We broke off into 3 groups, paper maquettes at the ready. I feel this went really well, I got some good feedback from the tutors and the group and we discussed ways in which I could slightly improve my final design.

I have finished the adjustments to my layout and now I just have to define my pantone colours and get my box layouts printed on card.